Why I’m slowly creeping closer to the EDGE of SANITY….

June 22, 2007

Unnecessarily Long and Pointless Meetings where little, if anything, is accomplished. I attend at least one of these per week. It will drag on for 2-3 hours. My colleagues (and sometimes myself) will argue endlessly about insignificant crap – which is why the meetings take so long.

Despite wasting 2-3 hours of everyone’s time nothing substantial is EVER accomplished. A meeting chair will be chosen, however, this person will do nothing to keep us on time or to regulate the length of comments, as this would be considered rude. If a productive discussion does happen to occur or a decision as to a way to proceed reached – everyone will promptly forget the entire thing happened immediately upon leaving the room.

No matter how pointless and ridiculous the meeting, we will always cheerily thank each other for coming, and schedule ANOTHER follow-up meeting. Sometimes we’re asked to give feedback as to the effectiveness and content of meetings. When the nature of anyone’s (my) truthful comments on the meetings are preceived as anything other than ringing, positive endorsements, that person (me) is considered rude.

Particularly Intrusive Violations of my Personal Space (PIVPS). I’m quite accustomed at this point to small or smoothly executed violations of my personal space and they don’t really bother me. Like the getting sat on by large women on the taxi – I mean there’s just no where else for that gigantic booty to go, some of it is going to have to come into my “area”.

Here is an example of a PIVPS; I am walking in the crowded mall. A person is approaching from the opposite direction – very slowly – and without question SEES ME walking, yet will not alter their path even an inch so that I can walk by, causing me to stop walking almost completely to avoid a collision.

Today I went to The Post Office to mail a wedding to gift to a friend getting married in a few weeks. The South African post office does not sell boxes. Well actually that’s a lie, they do sell one that’s the size and shape of a shoe box, which is convienient if you’re mailing a pair of shoes. I wasn’t.

SO the postman sends me down to the “office supply” store called CNA – I still have no idea what the letters stand for – where I was able to procure a box from their trash pile, but it was still a tad too big. Had CNA sold styrofoam peanuts or bubble wrap I would have purchased some to fill the excess space. Nor does The Post Office sell these items, as I learned after walking the length of the mall to return there from my box-hunting trip. When I got back to the Post Office I had the following conversation with the PostGirl on duty part of which proceeded as follows:

Me: So you don’t sell styrofoam peanuts, paper-crinklies or bubble wrap that I can stuff in this box?

Postgirl: (peering into my large, half-empty box and holding up bubble wrap lined ENVELOPE) No, but we sell these.

Me: No thanks, I just walked all the way down to CNA to find this BOX.

Postgirl: You could go downstairs to Pick and Pay and see if they have any boxes.

Me: No I’d rather just mail this now, I don’t have alot of time. Do you maybe have any old newspapers lying around back there?

Postgirl: (dull, blank stare).

Me: Any old papers or anything in the recycling bin? Just something I can stuff in this box to fill up the empty space.

Postgirl: (dull, blank stare continues for a few more seconds)…No, I don’t think so.

Me: Ok, nevermind. I’ll just send it like this.

Postgirl: You can go to CNA and see if they sell any of that brown paper to cover the box with.

Me: Do I need to cover the box to send it?

Postgirl: Or you could try Pick and Pay.

Me: Can I send the box without wrapping it in paper? Is it required that the box be wrapped?

Postgirl: (dull, blank stare)

Me: Do I HAVE to WRAP the BOX to SEND it???

Postgirl: No, you don’t.

Me: Ok. (I start taping up the box with tape that I actually had the presence of mind to buy at CNA. Postgirl helped me, which was nice).

Postgirl: What city?

Me: Harrisburg.

Postgirl: How do you spell it?

Me: H-A-R-R-I-S-B-U-R-G

Postgirl: Sorry, I didn’t get it, could you start again…

Me: H—-A—-R—-R—I—S—

Postgirl: Harris?

Me: No, -Burg, Harris-BURG.

Postgirl: Have you written the address on the box?

Me: No, can I borrow your marker.

Postgirl then searched the entire post office for a marker, this took a full 2-3 minutes, thankfully the Post Office is on the small side. By this time quite a long line had formed behind me (there were only a total of 2 windows open) and I could feel the eyes of all the people in line staring at my back thinking, “why is this idiot taking so long?” I know, seriously, what was I thinking trying to mail a PACKAGE at the POST OFFICE.

The Comrades Ultra-Marathon

June 18, 2007

Congratulations to Kristi for finishing the 2007 Comrades Marathon! The Comrades is an 83 km (56 mile) race from Pietermartizburg to Durban. The starting point alternates between the two cities each year- so next year it will start in Durban and finish in PMB. The route ending in Durban is considered the “downhill” since the elevation drops, however, some people claim that the uphill is “easier”. A special medal is given to people who run it two years in a row thus completing both the uphill and the downhill. The race is in its 82nd year.

This year’s winner was a Russian guy who finished it in 5 hours and 20 minutes – breaking a 20-year-old Comrades record for fastest time. The female winners were two identical twins, also from Russia, taking first and second place. They ran in at 6 hours and 10 minutes – about 29 seconds apart. Kristi finished in just over 11 hours – finishing at all is quite an acheivement not to mention INSANE. I’m still having trouble believing that people can run that far in one day.

According to the newspaper 12,000 people were crazy enough to start the Comrades, but it was silent as to how many of them made it across the finish line. In order to officially complete the race one must finish in 12 hours and there are various checkpoints along the way where runners who fall too far behind, to the point of having no hope of finishing in 12 hours, are eliminated. One man died.

One does have to qualify to run the Comrades – a major prerequiste being the ability to finish a standard marathon in under 5 hours. As we were hanging out at the finish line waiting to see Kristi run in, I observed that many of the other runners who were able to complete Comrades did NOT appear to be in very good shape. There were a few people who looked like they hadn’t run a lap around the track since Mandela left office. Then there were the handful of South African runners who cracked open six-packs of beer and lit up cigarettes within minutes of finishing the race!!! Unbelieveable.

Thankfully Kristi is still alive, although on this morning after she may wish she wasn’t. She’s glad she did The Comrades but has vowed never to do it again as long as she lives. Her sights are now set on entering the Boston Marathon. Go Kristi GO!

Cape Town

June 15, 2007

South Africans call Cape Town “The Mother City” as it was the first place in the country settled by Europeans. The origninal inhabitants were the Khoisan, a group of people living in Southern Africa since the days of the caveman, if not before.

Cape Town has a rich history as a sea port and place where cultures from around Africa and the world have mixed for decades, beneath the majestic backdrop of towering Table Mountain.

Day 1

I flew from Durban on cheap but inefficient Mango Airlines, South African Airways low-priced alternative carrier created to drive the other national low-fare competitors, like Kulula.com, out of business (although SAA heartily claims otherwise of course).

When Mango was launched last year I vowed never to fly with them on principle. I guess that died an early death. Cape Town International is TINY (I think maybe even Durban’s airport is bigger) and undergoing a crapload of construction at present which makes it all the more charming. Luckily I didn’t have to hang around there long, since my Backpackers, Big Blue, arranged for free airport pick-up. Yea!

Big Blue is one of the nicest Backpackers (hostels) I’ve ever stayed at- and I’ve stayed at a few! It’s situated in a refurbished colonial mansion with wide halls and a banister that you could slide down, although I didn’t try to myself. It’s also CLEAN and in a location that’s convienent to some restaurants and shops (Greenpoint) and within walking distance of the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. The only drawbacks are the small kitchen, and when I was there, a few of the other guests.

After checking in I met up with my friend Jessica. Despite living in a rural village in Limpopo Province for the past two years, and working with several HIV/AIDS community-based organizations there, Jess had already been able to visit Cape Town. This worked out well for me because she could show me some of her favorite places. We also managed to do a few new things as well….

That night we met-up with my friend Charlie, who’d recently moved down from Durban, and headed to Long Street – one of the happening nightlife areas. We ate dinner at an African restaurant (possibly called Mama Africa) that was authentic enough but not outstanding in my opinion. Charlie would want me to note that when visiting said restaurant do not attempt to request olive oil for your salad. They don’t have any and will try to trick you into settling for canola oil instead. After dinner we all proceeded to nearest Irish pub (the correct name of which is also fuzzy) and listened to some live music.

Day 2

Jessica and I were up bright and early to fetch our rental car from Aroundabout Cars. Being over the age of 23 goes a long way with Aroundabout – a company that offers super-low rental rates but with only minimal insurance coverage available. On the plus side, they don’t ask alot of questions either…The order of the day was to head fabulous Cape Point where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet, one of the most scenic routes in South Africa if not on EARTH.

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Cape Point

We drove out of Cape Town via the Seapoint Waterfront and the ritzy neighborhoods of Clifton and Camp’s Bay – reputed to be some of the highest-priced real estate in all of Africa. Then on to Hout’s Bay, which kind of reminded me of Aspen- except with alot of sailing instead of alot of skiing – if that makes any sense. Jessica, who lived in Aspen for a year, would want me to note her strenous objection to this particular thinly drawn parallel.

Outside of Hout’s Bay we picked up the Chapman’s Pass road which is a real cliffhanger (har har)! I think I got vertigo just driving on it – and there are guardrails most of the way. It would be a great spot for a dramatic movie car chase or something.

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Hout Bay from Chapman’s Pass

At the end of Chapman’s Pass we emerged along the coast of Cape Point itself and headed towards the National Park area. When we arrived we climbed up to the Lighthouse so I could get the obligatory photo with one of those signposts with the different signs pointing to cities all over the world. That accomplished, we went back down and drove to the end of the Cape of Good Hope and fought a horde of Italian tourists for a turn to get the obligatory photo there. On the way we saw an ostrich.

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Simon’s Town

Jess and I stopped for lunch in Simon’s Town on our way back. Simon’s Town is a cute little New England-esque seaside hamlet which is the home of the South African Navy, and much more interestingly, a colony of African Jackass Penguins. Yes, that is their REAL name! I guess the Jackasses didn’t make out so well in the name department, unlike the Emperor Penguins for instance. But on the other hand they live in Africa – not Antarctica.

In Simon’s Town there’s a fenced wooden boardwalk that allows one to walk through the Jackass nesting ground and to a little beach where (for a small fee) one may frolic unfettered with the Penguins. The childish glee inspired by this opportunity, and of course by the Jackasses themselves, made it the highlight of my day!

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A Couple of Jackasses
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Next Jess and I went back to Hout Bay to meet up with some friends of hers who live on their boat in the harbour there. Jess met Gavin and Vanessa and their two kids on her last trip, and they were nice enough to invite us for a sail out from Hout Bay to Seal Island, and then for dinner afterwards. It was great to be able to see the town and nearby Chapman’s Pass from the sea, plus there was yet another animal encounter with the Stinky Seals of Seal Island.

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Boats in Hout Bay Harbour
Day 3

On my third day in Cape Town I set out for the Kirstenbosch Gardens with my parnter in crime. The Kirstenbosch is nestled at the base of “the other side” of Table Mountain – that is the side not facing the ocean – and is one of the oldest cultivated gardens in Africa as well as a UNESCO World Hertiage Site.

Kirstenbosch is more than just your average botantic gardens; it strecthes on for what must be acres and provides access to some lovely vistas of Cape Town and numerous different hiking trails. Jessica and I decided to take a stroll along one of these not realizing that it led directly up the mountain. As we walked, the incline gradually became steeper and steeper until we got to a point where the path proper disappeared and was replaced by ladders and climbable rocks.

Normally, Jessica I and would be up to the challenge, however, on this particular day we found ourselves without the requisite equipment – namely shoes other than flip-flops and ballet slip-ons. Assuming it was called The Skeleton Gorge trail for a reason, we turned around.

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The Mountain We Climbed Halfway

Next Jessica decided that she wanted to visit Cape Town’s most famous mall – Century City. South Africans love malls and there are some doozies in all of the big cities. The only problem with Century City, we soon discovered, was getting there. It shouldn’t have been hard – when looking at a decent map (unlike the piece of crap WE had) the route between Kirstenbosch and Century City is not all that complicated.

The combination of Crap Map and some rather vague, and probably not very closely listened to, driving directions from a kind stranger earlier that morning, resulted in a tour of some of the Cape Town sights off the typical tourist trail – namely Khayelitsha and the Fish Packing Section of the Industrial Park beside the Airport. But we perservered and an hour and a half after leaving Kirstenbosch we got to the mallm which wasn’t all that impressive – definitely not worth the trip!

Day 4

On Friday we headed down to Long Street again, but this time during the day, to take a look in some of the funky little shops. From there its only a short walk to the historic city centre where one can find Parliment and some other equally old and colonial-looking buildings, and the business district. That night we went to Observatory, another part of the greater Cape Town area for dinner and drinks.

Day 5

Saturday Charlie drove us out to the winelands! We were joined by Jessica’s friend Colin and had lunch in a really cute French-like restaurant in Franshoek, behind the Huguenot Museum. Due to a late start, and much internal squabbling over the itinerary, we only managed to get to one winery – Rickety Bridge – for an actual tasting. We also tried to go to one called Tokara near Stellenbosch, but by the time we got there it was closed. I didn’t realize that pretty much all the wine estates are closed by 4pm!

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Rickety Bridge Wine Estate, Franshoek

Day 6

The highlights of my sixth Day in Cape Town were Table Mountain and Robben Island – which are on the top of most CPT visitors’ Must See lists. Unfortunately it was too windy that day to take the cable car to the top of Table Mountain, which was a little disappointing. There is the option of hiking up from the cable car point, but we didnt have time since we already had tickets to Robben Island that afternoon. There’s still a nice view of everything from the cable car station though, which is pretty high up the mountain already.

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The departure point for Robben Island is the Victoria & Alred Waterfront, which is full of restaurants and shops and of course has its own mall. Tickets must be purchased in advance and sell out quickly, as there are only a limited number sold each day. Robben Island is located about 12km offshore from Cape Town in Table Bay; the boat trip takes upwards of 30 minutes. It’s about 1km in diameter and has had a variety of uses since colonial days including a supply stop for passing ships and a leper colony.

But Robben Island is most famous for serving as a prision during the apartheid era. Nelson Mandela was held there for 18 of his 27 years in prison, along with numerous other important Struggle figures. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is overrun with rabbits.

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Watchtower at Robben Island Prison

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Mandela’s Cell

Day 7

My last day in Cape Town was rainly and miserable, which I didn’t really mind too much since I’d had great weather the entire rest of the week (save the day I arrived). CPT is known for its unpredictable and often wet weather – people claim that you can sometimes experience all four seasons in one day.

Some would also say that due to the general unpredictability of the weather I was taking a big risk visiting during the winter. I think it worked out well though since the usual Must See spots weren’t completely overrun with other tourists – which I hear can be the case in the summer. I can’t imagine what the city will be like during 2010 when its hosting one of the World Cup semi-final matches. It just doesn’t seem big enough to hold all the people that are likely to show-up!

Cape Town is beautiful, clean, well-maintained, laid-back and well-worth visiting. It hasnt managed to completely escape the top three scourges of South Africa – poverty, HIV/AIDS and violent crime – but only to push them back from the city into the sprawling townships and informal settlements of Khayelitsha and others along the Cape Flats. It’s easy to forget those things, the even the rest of South Africa, exist when you’re in Cape Town. It kind of feels like a world of its own.

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Cape Town from Table Bay